We just walk through the history of our faith, and what an amazing history we have. It’s an ancient history that goes back to the very beginning. I am so thankful that I was assigned the final lesson because this reading from John 1 is so powerful. it starts at the beginning, and it comes all the way through the History that we just read until the end.
Our history as the Christmas Church as the people of God is solid. It has endured through all generations and it will continue to endure. It is not Just History, and it not just her story, Merry Story, it is also my story, and hopefully your story.
We really need nine more lessons that would take us through the depth of Jesses up until today. And all the many many stories of people who have walked with God and who have experienced the blessing of God. We heard in John that the word became flesh and live among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as a Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth. This is the God as we Baptist people know, and have opened our lives up to, so not only does he lives far away in heaven and eternity but in our baptism, he became to dwell in us through the Holy Spirit.
So this is my invitation to you in this Christmas season, let the word be flesh, and give the word room to dwell within you. The word dwells within you, but make room, beware of the presence of the word of God Jesus.
Our Faith is not a cliché, it is not so many things that it has become, like commercialism and gifts totally disconnected from Jesus. Our faith is alive, and Jesus is alive, so I encourage you this Christmas to celebrate Jesus, the Word who became flesh and continues to dwell among us. Amen.