We could always use volunteer help in the garden, with small repairs, light office work, or other projects. All of our ministry groups welcome you with open arms – the altar guild, lectors, youth programs, intercessors, communication, coffee and tea after services, ushers, outreach, and so much more.
Donate to the food pantry
Canned goods, rice, pasta, sugar, coffee, milk and other everyday items are always needed.
It is an Episcopal tradition for members to “pledge.” This means that each person prayerfully considers how much can be joyfully and faithfully given on a regular basis. This amount is communicated to the church vestry through a pledge statement. Pledging helps church leadership know what they can count on as they plan the budget. All donations made to CtK in Germany will be documented in a year end German tax receipt. To make a pledge, please click here.
Regular giving
Others don’t feel the need to pledge but like to give regularly by setting up an automatic bank transfer or giving regularly when the offering is collected at our services. Some people give a regular annual amount in a larger sum. Every gift is valued and appreciated.
If you would like to support the work of CtK and would like a U.S. tax-deductible receipt, please click here for instructions.
Harry Bielskis Memorial Fund
After the sudden death of Harry Bielskis, a fund was set up in his honor. The money donated to this fund is used to support our outreach ministries with an emphasis on the Heimkehrer ministry.
US Dollar Donations
Friends and members alike can donate through the Board of Foreign Parishes in the United States and designate the donation to CtK. This enables donors to receive a US tax receipt. For more information on how to make such a donation, please contact the office.
Estate Planning
Consider designating a portion of your estate to CtK. We have been blessed through the generosity of past members and rectors in this manner.