Nuts and Bolts of how CtK works and things to be aware of

Do you know of anybody in our congregation who is in difficulties of any kind?

Perhaps someone who is sick or in need of medical treatment? Someone who is in hospital?

Perhaps someone who is lonely or bereaved?

Perhaps someone who is struggling to cope with daily life?

Is this person you?

Usually your first contact would be Fr. Steve and he informs the members of the Pastoral Care team if he thinks we can be of help. While Fr. Steve is away please feel free to contact me and I will arrange for a member of the team or a priest to get in touch with you.

While we are aware that we can’t take Fr. Steve’s place, we will also be trying to ease his burden once he is back. I hope you will feel that you can trust us. I assure you that everything will be treated with full confidentiality.

The members of the team are: Estelle Browne, Gordon and Monique Dawkins, Bert Langys (Heimkehrer ministry), Christine Wohlleber and me. If you are interested in joining this ministry please let me know.

You can contact me by email at: or by sending a message or phoning me on my mobile phone. The number is: 0177-9646976.

Alice Man

Postage stamps (cut from envelopes), which we collect for the Bethel Foundation, your UTO box (if it’s getting full), and anything you might have purchased for the Heimkehrer Pantry.

Thank you for your generosity in helping to re-stock the pantry. It seems there’s another lull. But, if God sends us more deportees, thanks to your engagement, we are ready.

Our gardeners this year have been: Felicity David, Carole Mason, Cath Johnson-Geskes, Monique Dawkins, Kevin Branscombe, Ward and Marlene Greenberg, Carol Hunter, and Fr. Steve. Our caretaker, Eddie Gaston made needed repairs to the garden shed and the hose.

Thanks to all our gardeners for their time and efforts to maintain the CTK Gardens. Park-goers who walk through the property do see the work we do, and some stop to comment on the beauty of our gardens.

CtK has an active Buildings & Grounds team, which is doing both strategic planning for the future of our facilities – things such as planning long-term renovations, considering how we can become more energy-efficient and achieve carbon neutrality in due course -, as well as organising workdays, where we get together to do smaller repairs and other facility improvement projects, renew our inventory, or clean out those hidden corners that are hard to get to. These workdays take place about three times per year, and in between, individual members or smaller teams often do extra things that invariably occur – meeting with contractors, looking into building regulations, or taking care of extra repairs that need to be done more urgently. We are always looking for help! You don’t need any special experience with craft work – just an appreciation for the care of our buildings!

If you would like to join our Buildings & Grounds team or support it in any other way, please contact our Junior Wardens, Ansgar Richter and Mirjam Plooij

Please help us to keep our prayer list current. Additions and updates can be sent to the parish office e-mail.

If you have prayer requests or would like to join this ministry of prayer, please make contact at:

We need more volunteers to lead the Prayers of the People, in order to spread out the responsibility and the joy of participation. If you would like to lead the prayers now and again, please make contact with Elizabeth Boshold at

There is also need for a more varied rotation of Lectors. If you would like to read a Scripture passage once in a while, please contact Liz Hicks at:

If you arrive early on a Sunday morning, please grab a broom from under the side-entrance stairs. The walkway to the main entrance must be cleared of leaves so the church looks inviting. If there’s time, the sidewalk in front of the building probably needs some attention, too. If there has been a storm, please look for downed branches in the flower beds and the walkway to the park. Thank you for your help in keeping our grounds tidy, attractive, and safe.

In front of the church, the space farthest to the left is actually the driveway for our neighbor. The space next to that is handicapped parking. If we begin parking at the far right-hand end of the parking strip, and guide in from there, we’ll be tidy and legal.