Membership at CtK and in the Episcopal Church


There are three kinds of CtK membership:
I. Voting member: This is the membership described above. At the business meeting, we hear various reports from the past year including a financial report, we vote for new vestry members, we vote to release the board of directors and officers of liability for the past year, we vote on any proposed changes to the constitution and by-laws and deal with any other legal or financial matters that require a vote from members of the non-profit.

According to our constitution and by-laws:

1. Membership is open to all baptized Christians, as defined in the General Canons of the Episcopal Church, I.17 (a).
2. Any baptized Christian over 16 years of age may become a member of the Parish with voting rights by signing a written application for membership which shall include a declaration as follows: “I am a baptized Christian and wish to be registered as a member of the Church of Christ the King, Frankfurt am Main.

The application for this type of membership can be found here. Please complete the form and return it to the Parish office. These forms also cover European privacy laws and help us to apply for grants that support children’s programs.

II. Parishioner: You do not need to be a voting member to be a parishioner of our church. All are welcome and are free to participate in all aspects of church life except the APM, simply by attending, sharing in relationship and ministry, and giving.

III. Member of the Episcopal Church: Many of our congregants come from different denominational backgrounds and all are welcome. Some grew up in the Episcopal Church and others desire to “become” an Episcopalian. If someone is not yet baptized, they become an Episcopalian by being baptized in the Episcopal Church. If they are already baptized, they can be received by the Bishop either through confirmation or reception after a brief time of instruction. This type of membership has more to do with identity as an Anglican/Episcopalian which signifies certain values and traditions that can be found throughout the world. If you are interested in exploring what it means to be an Episcopalian, please speak with Father Steve.


On Reception into the Episcopal Church

Many of our congregants come from different denominational backgrounds and all are welcome to belong to CtK and to be involved in our parish life. Some grew up in the Episcopal Church, often referred to as “cradle Episcopalians,” and others desire to “become” an Episcopalian (If someone is not yet baptized, they become an Episcopalian by being baptized in the Episcopal Church. If they are already baptized, they can be received by the Bishop either through confirmation or reception after a brief time of instruction. This type of membership has more to do with identity as an Anglican/Episcopalian which signifies certain values and traditions that can be found throughout the world. If you are interested in exploring what it means to be an Episcopalian, please speak with Father Steve.

From A Dictionary of the Episcopal Church

Baptized persons who have been members of another Christian fellowship and who wish to be affiliated with the Episcopal Church may make a public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their baptism in the presence of a bishop. The bishop lays hands on each candidate for reception and says, “We recognize you as a member of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church, and we receive you into the fellowship of this Communion” (BCP, p. 418). Candidates for reception normally have made a mature commitment in another Christian fellowship. Some dioceses have reserved reception for those candidates who have previously received sacramental confirmation with laying on of hands by a bishop in apostolic succession.

Click here to see the liturgy used when receiving someone into the Episcopal Church.